Chapter 10 : Nervous System: Nervous Tissue And Brain

Which of the following best describes the hypoglycemic effect of insulin? Insulin allows entry of glucose into most body cells. Insulin encourages release of glucose into the blood by liver cells. Insulin encourages synthesis of glucose from lactic acid and noncarbohydrate molecules. Insulin encourages catabolism of glycogen into glucose.The hypothalamus can be viewed as a bridge by which signals from multiple systems are relayed to the pituitary gland. The hypothalamus collects data from sources throughout the body rather than directly measuring levels, and communication normally flows from the hypothalamus to the pituitary. 0 voteswhich of the following best describes the hypothalamus? 0 votes . 93 views. asked Feb 16 in Other by manish56 (-35,487 points) Which of the following best describes the hypothalamus? visceral control center of the body relay station for the special senses gateway to the cerebellum somatic motor control center.Which of the following best describes the relationship between the hypothalamus and the endocrine system? asked Dec 13, 2016 in Health Professions by Common. A) The hypothalamus produces all of the releasing hormones that act on other endocrine organs. B) The hypothalamus is the link between the central nervous system and the endocrine system.1 2) Which of the following best describes a cell or organ that producesa response from commands of the control center in negativefeedback?. A) receptor. B) thermoregulator. C) hypothalamus. D) effector. E) stimulus. 1 3) Accelerating a change which increases the effects of variationsfrom normal is what type of feedback?. A) negative. B) positive. C) neutral. D) depressing

Which of the following statements best captures the

Which of the following statements best describes the role of hormones in the body? Hormones send chemical signals throughout the body to regulate body processes. 1 Increasing levels of these hormones in the blood then give feedback to the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary to inhibit further signaling to the thyroid gland, as illustratedWhich of the following best describes the hypothalamus? visceral control center of the body. The brain stem consists of the _____. midbrain, medulla, and pons. Which part of the brain is considered the "gateway" to the cerebral cortex? thalamus.Which of the following is the best description of the nature of sexual orientation? a. two opposite, complementary poles. b. three fixed categories—homosexual, heterosexual, and bisexual. c. a triangle, with each orientation falling at one of the points. d. a continuum with many gradations. e. two opposite, conflicting polesWhich of the following best describes the hypothalamus? a) entrance to the spinal cord b) visceral control center of the body c) motor command center d) gateway to the cerebellum. B. Which of the following regions of the brain provides for muscle coordination and memory in fast-paced, skilled movements? a) Medulla oblongata

Which of the following statements best captures the

which of the following best describes the hypothalamus

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between the hypothalamus and the posterior pituitary in the normal functioning of the endocrine system? The hypothalamus regulates the production and release of posterior pituitary hormones by the pituitary gland. 0 Answer. 0 votes. answered Feb 15, 2016 by giugiu . BestWhich of the following is the best description of the function of region B? Region B contains neurons receiving somatosensory input from the thalamus. Region B coordinates the movement of several muscle groups into complex tasks. Region B houses voluntary motor commands.which statement best describes the relationship between the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland? a. the anterior pituitary gland makes hormones that are released by the hypothalamus b. the hypothalamus produces releasing hormones that promote the release of particular hormones from the anterior pituitary c. the hypothalamus produces releasing hormones that promote the release of particularQuestion: Which Of The Following BEST DESCRIBES Inputs To And Outputs From The Amygdala? The Amygdala Is Directly Interconnected With The Primary Sensory Cortex For Each Of The Senses, Including Alfaction The Amygdala Has Reciprocal Connections With The Hippocampus, Hypothalamus And Brainstem All Of These Answers The Amygdala Sends Information To The PremotorWhich of the following best describes the cerebral arterial circle (circle of Willis)? An anastomosis surrounding the pituitary gland A portal system connecting the hypothalamus with the anterior pituitary A short anastomosis found in the cerebellum Formed by the superior and inferior sagittal sinuses An anastomosis circling the entire cortex 4 points Question 2 Alternative routes of blood

Take Quiz Which of the following is NOT related to region B, primary motor cortex?

A. starting place of corticospinal tractsB. post-central gyrusC. mobile bodies of pyramidal neuronsD. conscious keep an eye on of skeletal muscle tissues

B. post-central gyrus

What structure is indicated by means of B?

A. corpus callosumB. pyramidal tractsC. lateral ventriclesD. association fibers

A. corpus callosum

Which of the following are motor areas of the cerebral cortex that lie in the posterior phase of the frontal lobes and keep an eye on voluntary motion?

A. primary somatosensory cortex; somatosensory affiliation cortex; visible areasB. primary motor cortex; premotor cortex; Broca's area; frontal eye fieldC. Broca's area; posterior affiliation area; auditory areas; visible areasD. primary motor cortex; premotor cortex; prefrontal cortex; gustatory cortex

B. number one motor cortex; premotor cortex; Broca's space; frontal eye field

Patients who have lesions involving Broca's area __________. not perceive written communications, but they are able to speak obviously and intelligiblyB. don't understand languageC. can perceive language, but have problem speakingD. can keep up a correspondence via writing or sign language, but they cannot discuss

C. can understand language, however have difficulty speaking

Which sort of glial cells are proven in this figure?

A. oligodendrocytesB. microgliaC. ependymal cellsD. astrocytes

C. ependymal cells

Which protecting covering of the brain supplies passageways for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to drain into the awesome sagittal sinus?

A. periosteal phase of the dura materB. membranous part of the dura materC. pia materD. arachnoid mater

D. arachnoid mater

Which of the following areas of the brain supplies the actual timing and suitable patterns of skeletal muscle contraction for the smooth, coordinated movements and agility that are wanted for our day by day dwelling?

A. ponsB. midbrainC. cerebellumD. medulla oblongata

C. cerebellum

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the main spinal wire tracts (pathways)?

A. somatotopyB. decussationC. memoryD. relay

C. reminiscence

What section of the spinal cord represents the assortment of nerve roots at the inferior finish of the vertebral canal?

A. lumbar enlargementB. cervical enlargementC. cauda equinaD. conus medullaris

C. cauda equina

After Joe has a stroke, his doctor asks Joe to the touch his right pointer finger to his chin—but Joe is not able to move his right hand. However, when the physician stimulates Joe's pointer finger with a painful stimulus, Joe's muscle groups quickly transfer his hand away from the stimulus. The physician concludes that ______.

A. the stroke brought about harm to Joe's frontal eye field which interfered together with his effort to touch his chinB. the stroke led to harm to Joe's proper primary motor cortexC. the stroke brought about damage to Joe's left premotor cortexD. in accordance with the doctor's observations, none of the listed solutions are proper conclusions

D. in keeping with the doctor's observations, none of the indexed answers are proper conclusions

Which of the following hypothalamic regulate centers would you are expecting is the LEAST necessary for survival?

A. suprachiasmatic nucleusB. autonomic control centerC. temperature keep watch over centerD. thirst center

A. suprachiasmatic nucleus

Which of the following is a feature of a coma but is NOT a feature of sleep?

A. absence of brain waves ("flat EEG")B. irreversible brain damageC. regularly decreased mitochondrial task in brain neuronsD. All of the indexed responses are correct.

C. incessantly diminished mitochondrial activity in brain neurons

Which letter indicates the number one visual cortex?



Region A contains which of the following?

A. Primary motor cortexB. Pre-frontal cortexC. Broca's areaD. Primary somatosensory cortex

B. Pre-frontal cortex

The groove indicated via C is the _________.

A. central sulcusB. longitudinal fissureC. transverse fissueD. post-central gyrus

A. central sulcus

The cortical areas indicated through E are concerned with which functions?

A. The generation of emotional responses.B. The production and interpretationof language. C. The control facilities for homeostatic and endocrine functions. D. The storage of motor patterns for knowledgeable actions of skeletal muscle tissue.

B. The production and interpretation of language.

Which of the following describes the explicit projection fibers indicated through C?

A. third-order sensory neuronsB. lower motor neuronsC. first-order sensory neuronsD. higher motor neurons

D. higher motor neurons

Which of the following is right of the cerebral hemispheres of the human mind?

A. Nearly the entire surface of the cerebral hemispheres is marked by means of shallow grooves called gyri.B. Nearly the whole surface of the cerebral hemispheres is marked via elevated ridges known as sulci.C. The cerebral hemispheres account for roughly 83% of general mind mass.D. The longitudinal fissure separates the cerebral hemispheres from the cerebellum.

C. The cerebral hemispheres account for roughly 83% of total mind mass.

Which of the following is NOT one of the three varieties of functional areas inside of the cerebral cortex?

A. motor areasB. association areasC. sensory areasD. visible spaces

D. visible spaces

Which of the following areas of the brain is answerable for spatial discrimination?

A. Broca's areaB. primary somatosensory cortexC. gustatory cortexD. vestibular cortex

B. number one somatosensory cortex

Which part of the mind is the "executive suite" for all mind job?

A. cerebral cortexB. diencephalonC. mind stemD. cerebellum

A. cerebral cortex

Which sort of white matter fiber tract connects the two cerebral hemispheres?

A. projection fibersB. affiliation fibersC. inside capsulesD. commissures

D. commissures

Which section of the brain is thought of as the "gateway" to the cerebral cortex?

A. ponsB. thalamusC. mesencephalonD. hypothalamus

B. thalamus

Which of the following best describes the hypothalamus?

A. visceral keep an eye on middle of the bodyB. relay station for the particular sensesC. gateway to the cerebellumD. somatic motor regulate middle

A. visceral control heart of the frame

Which phase of the brain stem houses the reflex centers for respiratory and cardiovascular functioning?

A. midbrainB. ponsC. medulla oblongataD. reticular formation

C. medulla oblongata

Which phase of the brain processes inputs gained from the cerebral motor cortex, mind stem nuclei, and various sensory receptors, after which uses this knowledge to coordinate somatic motor output so that clean, well-timed movements occur?

A. diencephalonB. thalamusC. cerebellumD. pons

C. cerebellum

Which meninx is a gentle connective tissue membrane that clings tightly to the mind like cellophane wrap following its every convolution?

A. arachnoid materB. periosteal layer of the dura materC. meningeal layer of the dura materD. pia mater

D. pia mater

The neural fibers connecting construction A to the cerebral cortex will also be described through which of the following?

A. decrease motor neuronsB. first-order sensory neuronsC. third-order sensory neuronsD. upper motor neurons

C. third-order sensory neurons

Which of the following correctly describes the assortment of spinal cord tracts illustrated in the figure?

A. association fibersB. efferent fibersC. ascending tractsD. descending tracts

C. ascending tracts

Which of the following describes the nerve fibers indicated through the letter A?

A. upper motor neuronsB. first-order sensory neuronsC. third-order sensory neuronsD. lower motor neurons

B. first-order sensory neurons

What kind of receptor is indicated by means of the letter B?

A. contact receptorB. temperature receptorC. proprioceptorD. ache receptor

C. proprioceptor

What serve as is maximum carefully related to the spinal twine tract indicated by way of the letter C?

A. response to skeletal muscle painB. initiation of skeletal muscle movementsC. initiation of easy muscle movementsD. coordination of skeletal muscle movements

D. coordination of skeletal muscle actions

The fiber tracts indicated through the letter D will terminate in the ______.

A. medulla oblongataB. primary somatosensory cortexC. primary motor cortexD. thalamus

D. thalamus

What descending pathway originates at the place indicated through the leader line?

A. extrapyramidal tractsB. pyramidal tractsC. spinothalamic tractsD. spinocerebellar tracts

B. pyramidal tracts

Many of the descending fibers indicated on this determine go over (decussate) to the opposite side of the frame in which of the following?

A. peripheral anxious systemB. thalamusC. medullaD. cerebellum

C. medulla

The descending fibers in the determine provide for which of the following purposes?

A. mindful consciousness of sensory informationB. subconscious keep an eye on of skeletal muscleC. involuntary keep an eye on of cardiac muscleD. involuntary regulate of smooth muscleE. aware control of skeletal muscle

E. conscious keep an eye on of skeletal muscle

Select the true commentary regarding first-order neurons.

A. First-order neuron cellular our bodies reside in the dorsal horn of the spinal wire.B. First-order neurons have cell bodies in the thalamus.C. First-order neuron cell our bodies reside in the anterior horn of the spinal wire.D. First-order neuron cellular our bodies live in a ganglion.

D. First-order neuron cellular our bodies reside in a ganglion.

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