Scene iii: Desdemona promises Cassio that she will do everything she can for him in getting his job back. Othello and Iago approach and see Iago acts as if it pains him to tell Othello this news. He gets Othello to demand he tells him what is on his mind. When Iago says, "Look to your wife," he...Actually understand Othello Act 3, Scene 4. Read every line of Shakespeare's original text alongside a modern English translation.Act 3 scene 4 analysis This unhappy scene focuses on Desdemona; she has become an innocent victim of Iago and Othello. From the moment he enters, Othello takes on the role of a persecutor. His first words in line 30 "O Hardness to dissemble!" not only comments on what he thinks is...Othello: Act 3, Scene 4. Enter DESDEMONA, EMILIA, and CLOWN." CLOWN: "Clown" is the name of this person's role in the Globe acting company. Here he is a servant, but his main purpose is to make jokes and lighten the mood. DESDEMONA 1 Do you know, sirrah, where Lieutenant Cassio.Act 3 Scene 4. Scene Summary. Desdemona frantically searches for her handkerchief. Othello, in an attempt to catch her out, demands to see it.
Othello Act 3, Scene 4 Translation | Shakescleare, by LitCharts
Start studying Othello: Act 3 scene 4. Learn vocabulary, terms and more with flashcards, games and other study tools. She puts her faith in Othello stating that his emotions don't contain jealously. "Hot, hot and moist"- Othello. Too sexually charged.OTHELLO. This argues fruitfulness and liberal heart: Hot, hot, and moist: this hand of yours requires A sequester from liberty, fasting and prayer, Much castigation, exercise devout; For here's a young and sweating devil here, That commonly rebels. 'Tis a good hand, A frank one.Othello in modern English: Act 3, Scene 4: Desdemona and Emilia went out to the courtyard to enjoy the sunshine. They settled themselves on a bench under a tall shady tree.Read Act 3, Scene 4 of Shakespeare's Othello, side-by-side with a translation into Modern English. She's obviously upset, and she says that if Othello were the kind of guy to be jealous—which, of course, he isn't—her loss of the handkerchief would make him suspicious.

Free Essay: Othello Act 3 Scene 4
Act 3 Scene 4. Summary. Desdemona has sent for Cassio. She wants to tell him that she has talked with Othello and that all the plans are under to Othello sulky and suspicious while Desdemona is straightforward and loving. Othello's mood has changed, and all the people around him have taken...William Shakespeare's Othello explained with play and scene summaries in just a few minutes!Professor Bradley Greenburg of Northeastern Illinois University...Othello Act 3 Scene 4. Filed Under: Essays Tagged With: othello. 1 page, 485 words. This unhappy scene focuses on Desdemona; she has become an innocent victim of Iago and Othello. From the moment he enters, Othello takes on the role of a persecutor.This is "Othello Act III Scene 4" by Kevin Wines on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.SCENE IV. Before the castle. / "Othello Act 3 Scene 4" Track Info. Othello William Shakespeare.
Original Text
Translated Text
Source: Folger Shakespeare LibraryEnter Desdemona, Emilia, and Clown.
DESDEMONA Do you understand, sirrah, where LieutenantCassio lies?
CLOWN I dare not say he lies any place.
CLOWN He's a soldier, and for me to mention a soldier lies, 5'tis stabbing.
DESDEMONA Go to! Where accommodations he?
CLOWN To inform you where he hotels is to inform youwhere I lie.
DESDEMONA Can the rest be made of this? 10
CLOWN I know not where he accommodations; and for me todevise a accommodation and say he lies right here, or he liesthere, were to lie in mine own throat.
DESDEMONA Can you inquire him out, and be edifiedby document? 15
CLOWN I will catechize the arena for him—that is,make questions, and by them answer.
DESDEMONA Seek him, bid him come hither. Tell him Ihave moved my lord on his behalf and hope all willbe neatly. 20
CLOWN To do this is within the compass of guy's wit,and therefore I can attempt the doing it.
Clown exits.
Desdemona chats with the clown and asks him to carry a message to Cassio that he must come talk over with her. She wants the clown to make it clear that she's been just right to her word about asking Othello for Cassio's reinstatement. She hopes all can be neatly.
DESDEMONAWhere must I lose that handkerchief, Emilia?
EMILIA I do know not, madam.
DESDEMONABelieve me, I had slightly have lost my purse 25Full of crusadoes. And but my noble MoorIs true of mind and manufactured from no such basenessAs jealous creatures are, it were enoughTo put him to unwell considering.
EMILIA Is he not jealous? 30
DESDEMONAWho, he? I think the sun where he used to be bornDrew all such humors from him.
EMILIA Look where hecomes.
Alone with Emilia, Desdemona asks Emilia the place on earth her handkerchief could've long gone. She's clearly disappointed, and she or he says that if Othello have been the kind of guy to be jealous—which, of course, he is not—her lack of the handkerchief would make him suspicious. She claims Othello has no such jealousy for the reason that solar of his homeland sapped it up from him.
Enter Othello.
DESDEMONAI is not going to depart him now till Cassio 35Be called to him.—How is 't with you, my lord?
As Othello approaches the 2 girls, Desdemona declares that she may not leave Othello alone until he is agreed to look Cassio.
OTHELLOWell, my just right woman. Aside. O, hardness todissemble!—How do you, Desdemona?
DESDEMONA Well, my excellent lord. 40
OTHELLOGive me your hand. He takes her hand. This handis moist, my lady.
DESDEMONAIt but has felt no age nor identified no sorrow.
Othello asks Desdemona for her hand, and notes that it is moist. A damp hand used to be thought to be a sure mark of a lascivious person.
OTHELLOThis argues fruitfulness and liberal center.Hot, hot, and wet. This hand of yours requires 45A sequester from liberty, fasting and prayer,Much castigation, exercise religious;For right here's a tender and sweating satan hereThat commonly rebels. 'Tis a good hand,A frank one. 50
DESDEMONA You might indeed say so,For 'twas that hand that gave away my middle.
OTHELLOA liberal hand! The hearts of previous gave hands,But our new heraldry is fingers, now not hearts.
Othello waxes on about Desdemona's hand; he says her scorching, wet indicates that she's sure to get into mischief if she does not pray, rapid, and lock herself clear of temptation. Next, he calls her hand "frank," which she takes to mean truthful and open. Well, he does mean open, however he manner it in the sense of too open, like she's keen to give her hand to anyone. He says that within the old days, when someone gave up their hand in marriage, they gave up their heart. These days, regardless that, folks surrender their palms with out their hearts, (i.e., informal sex).
DESDEMONAI can not talk of this. Come now, your promise. 55
OTHELLO What promise, chuck?
DESDEMONAI have despatched to bid Cassio come discuss with you.
Desdemona's had sufficient of all this discuss her arms. She changes the topic and reminds Othello that he promised to peer Cassio. (Her timing is as dangerous as Iago's is just right.)
OTHELLOI have a salt and sorry rheum offends me.Lend me thy handkerchief.
DESDEMONA Here, my lord. 60
OTHELLOThat which I gave you.
DESDEMONA I've it no longer about me.
DESDEMONA No, faith, my lord.
OTHELLO That's a fault. That handkerchief 65Did an Egyptian to my mom give.She was a charmer, and may virtually learnThe thoughts of people. She told her, whilst she keptit,'Twould make her amiable and subdue my father 70Entirely to her love. But if she lost it,Or made a present of it, my father's eyeShould cling her loathèd, and his spirits will have to huntAfter new fancies. She, demise, gave it me,And bid me, when my fate would have me wived, 75To give it her. I did so; and take heed on 't,Make it a darling like your precious eye.To lose 't or give 't away have been such perditionAs nothing else may fit.
This, in fact, only inflames Othello's suspicions. He announces that his eyes are watering strangely, and asks if most likely Desdemona has her handkerchief about her. When Desdemona hands him an ordinary handkerchief, Othello asks her the place her particular handkerchief is. Desdemona merely says she does not have. Oh in reality? says Othello. He then tells her the tale of the handkerchief. It's a circle of relatives heirloom and utterly sacred. A psychic informed his mother that, so long as she had the handkerchief, Othello's dad would like her. But, if she lost it or gave it away, Othello's dad would hate her and go back on the prowl. Othello's mom gave the handkerchief to her son on her deathbed, telling him to present it to the lady he'd have for his wife. Othello explains this is why he advised Desdemona to care for the handkerchief. Losing it would be the worst factor ever. E-ver.
DESDEMONA Is 't conceivable? 80
Desdemona says, "Seriously?"
OTHELLO'Tis true. There's magic in the internet of it.A sybil that had numbered on the earthThe solar to route two hundred compasses,In her prophetic fury sewed the work.The worms had been hallowed that did breed the silk, 85And it used to be dyed in mummy, which the skillfulConserved of maidens' hearts.
DESDEMONA I' religion, is 't true?
OTHELLOMost veritable. Therefore, look to 't neatly.
DESDEMONAThen would to God that I had by no means noticed 't! 90
OTHELLO Ha? Wherefore?
DESDEMONAWhy do you talk so startingly and rash?
Othello assures her that sure, he's utterly critical. This is mainly a magic hankie, and she'd better take excellent care of it. Desdemona is just a little freaked out by means of the tale. She says if that's the case, she wishes she'd never seen it. (You must admit, the way in which Othello's describing it, it is kind of a messed up reward to provide somebody.) Othello seizes in this and Desdemona asks what on earth is wrong with him. Why is he acting so strange?
OTHELLOIs 't lost? Is 't gone? Speak, is 't out o' th' means?
DESDEMONA Heaven bless us!
OTHELLO Say you? 95
Othello asks point-blank if the handkerchief is misplaced.
DESDEMONAIt isn't misplaced, however what an if it had been?
DESDEMONA I say it is not lost.
OTHELLO Fetch 't. Let me see 't!
DESDEMONAWhy, so I will be able to. But I can now not now. 100This is a trick to place me from my swimsuit.Pray you, let Cassio be gained again.
Desdemona, clearly upset by means of Othello's strange questioning, says it isn't misplaced, but what if it used to be? Othello once more calls for to peer it, and Desdemona says that she may just get it presently if she sought after to, but she's now not going to. And then she turns the conversation again to Cassio. (Yikes. This couldn't possibly be going worse.)
OTHELLOFetch me the handkerchief! Aside. My mindmisgives.
DESDEMONA Come, come. 105You'll never meet a extra sufficient man.
OTHELLOThe handkerchief!
DESDEMONA I pray, communicate me of Cassio.
OTHELLO The handkerchief!
DESDEMONA A person that every one his time 110Hath founded his good fortunes to your love;Shared risks with you—
OTHELLOThe handkerchief!
DESDEMONA I' faith, you're accountable.
OTHELLO Zounds! Othello exits. 115
The dialogue over the handkerchief escalates into a huge battle. Othello keeps tough to look it and Desdemona keeps refusing and telling him that he must forgive Cassio (which is really not helping matters). Eventually, Othello swears and storms out.
EMILIA Is now not this man jealous?
DESDEMONA I ne'er noticed this prior to.Sure, there's some surprise on this handkerchief!I am most unhappy in the lack of it.
EMILIA'Tis now not a year or two shows us a man. 120They are all but stomachs, and we all however food;They eat us hungerly, and when they're completeThey belch us.
Enter Iago and Cassio.
Look you—Cassio and my husband.
Emilia says, "This is the guy you said doesn't get jealous?" Desdemona cannot realize it. She's by no means seen this side of her husband, and she does not know what is going on. Emilia declares this is no large deal, since women are like meals to men.
IAGO, to CassioThere isn't any other way; 'tis she should do 't, 125And, lo, the happiness! Go and importune her.
DESDEMONAHow now, excellent Cassio, what's the news with you?
CASSIOMadam, my former go well with. I do beseech youThat by way of your virtuous approach I may againExist, and be a member of his love 130Whom I with all of the office of my heartEntirely honor. I'd not be not on time.If my offense be of such mortal sortThat nor my service previous nor provide sorrowsNor purposed merit in futurity 135Can ransom me into his love again,But to grasp so must be my get advantages.So shall I dress me in a pressured content material,And shut myself up in every other pathTo fortune's alms. 140
Cassio and Iago select this moment to turn up. Iago encourages Cassio to make his case to Desdemona, and he does.
DESDEMONA Alas, thrice-gentle Cassio,My advocation isn't now in song.My lord is not my lord; nor will have to I do know himWere he in choose as in humor altered.So lend a hand me every spirit sanctified 145As I've spoken for you all my best possible,And stood throughout the clean of his displeasureFor my loose speech! You should awhile be affected person.What I will be able to do I will; and extra I willThan for myself I dare. Let that suffice you. 150
IAGOIs my lord indignant?
EMILIA He went therefore but now,And without a doubt in atypical unquietness.
Desdemona explains that now is not a great time for her to speak to Othello. He's in dangerous spirits, and she doesn't understand why.
IAGOCan he be angry? I have observed the cannonWhen it hath blown his ranks into the air 155And, just like the satan, from his very armPuffed his own brother—and is he offended?Something of moment then. I will be able to go meet him.There's matter in 't indeed if he be offended.
Iago, all innocence, says that Othello's conduct sounds in point of fact odd, but being the nice man that he's, he'll try to in finding out what's wrong.
DESDEMONAI prithee achieve this. He exits. 160Something, certain, of state,Either from Venice, or some unhatched practiceMade demonstrable here in Cyprus to him,Hath puddled his clear spirit; and in such casesMen's natures wrangle with inferior things, 165Though nice ones are their object. 'Tis even so.For let our finger pain, and it enduesOur different healthful individuals even to a senseOf pain. Nay, we will have to assume males are not gods,Nor of them search for such observancy 170As suits the bridal. Beshrew me a lot, Emilia,I used to be—unhandsome warrior as I am!—Arraigning his unkindness with my soul.But now I in finding I had suborned the witness,And he's indicted falsely. 175
Desdemona slowly convinces herself that she should not be offended at Othello for his behavior. Surely, she causes, there should be some reason for it beyond the handkerchief, and it is almost certainly something to do with Othello's paintings in Venice or Cyprus. She decides that every now and then men, frightened about giant things, take it out on women, over little issues. She then blames herself for being dissatisfied with his habits. She will have to be extra patient and understanding.
EMILIA Pray heaven it beState issues, as you suppose, and no conceptionNor no jealous toy regarding you.
DESDEMONAAlas the day, I by no means gave him reason!
EMILIABut jealous souls will not be spoke back so. 180They aren't ever jealous for the purpose,But jealous for they're jealous. It is a monsterBegot upon itself, born on itself.
DESDEMONAHeaven keep that monster from Othello's thoughts!
EMILIA Lady, amen. 185
Emilia, who, via the best way, is completely at fault, says she hopes that Othello is just dissatisfied over things related to paintings, because it sure turns out like he is jealous. Desdemona says she's never given him explanation why to be jealous, and each women pray that's not what is going on, as a result of jealousy is a perilous monster.
DESDEMONAI will pass seek him.—Cassio, stroll hereabout.If I do find him are compatible, I'll transfer your suitAnd seek to effect it to my uttermost.
CASSIO I humbly thank your Ladyship.
Desdemona and Emilia exit.
Desdemona promises Cassio that she'll take a look at once more when Othello calms down, and she and Emilia leave.
Enter Bianca.
BIANCA'Save you, good friend Cassio! 190
CASSIO What make you fromhome?How is 't with you, my maximum fair Bianca?I' faith, sweet love, I used to be coming to your house.
BIANCAAnd I used to be going on your lodging, Cassio. 195What, stay every week away? Seven days and nights,Eightscore eight hours, and lovers' absent hoursMore tedious than the dial eightscore instances?O weary reck'ning!
Bianca, Cassio's lover, is available in and yells at Cassio for no longer coming to look her ceaselessly sufficient.
CASSIO Pardon me, Bianca. 200I have this while with leaden ideas been pressed,But I shall in a more continuate timeStrike off this rating of absence. Sweet Bianca,Giving her Desdemona's handkerchief.Take me this determine.
Cassio apologizes and says he's had a lot on his mind. Then he palms Bianca Desdemona's handkerchief, asking her to copy the trend.
BIANCA O, Cassio, whence came this? 205This is some token from a more moderen friend.To the felt absence now I feel a reason.Is 't come to this? Well, well.
CASSIO Go to, lady!Throw your vile guesses within the satan's enamel, 210From whence you've them. You are jealous nowThat that is from some mistress, someremembrance.No, by means of my faith, Bianca.
BIANCA Why, whose is it? 215
CASSIOI know no longer neither. I discovered it in my chamber.I like the work well. Ere it's demanded,As like enough it's going to, I'd have it copied.Take it, and do 't, and go away me for this time.
Bianca will get all apprehensive that Cassio has a brand new woman who's given him this as a token of affection, but Cassio explains that he found the handkerchief in his bedroom (thanks to Iago, unbeknownst to Cassio). Cassio thinks indubitably any person will ask for the lovely handkerchief back, through which case he'd like to have his own reproduction, so could Bianca please take a spoil from being jealous and start embroidering? Like, in different places, now not right here?
BIANCA Leave you? Wherefore? 220
CASSIOI do attend right here at the General,And assume it no addition, nor my wish,To have him see me womaned.
Bianca asks why he's trying to get rid of her and Cassio says it's because he is ready to meet Othello, and the very last thing he wishes is for Othello to peer him with his lover. He does not want his normal to assume he's lower than serious about his task.
BIANCA Why, I pray you?
CASSIO Not that I really like you now not. 225BIANCA But that you do not love me!I pray you deliver me on the means just a little,And say if I shall see you quickly at evening.
CASSIO'Tis however a little bit method that I can deliver you,For I attend here. But I'll see you quickly. 230
BIANCA'Tis excellent. I will have to be circumstanced.
They go out.
Bianca takes this as a slight and convinces Cassio to walk with her just a bit ways. He says fine, but no longer some distance, because he is assembly Othello right here. He promises to come back see her later and he or she says, "Fine."
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